I haven't stopped sewing! I am just awful at keeping up with this blog! So today is a catch up-post!
Last summer, my wonderful friend got married and I decided I'd make her a quilt. The challenge was that she doesn't really like color. She's a neutral lover. I was born to make colorful things. I struggle with neutral. She will tolerate blues but more solid than patterned. So I had this Retro Flowers pattern that I had been dying to try and this is what I came up with! She acted very polite about it so I'm going to pretend that she is thrilled and I am a wonderful friend. She lives 10 hours away so it's not like I can stop by the house to make sure it's being used! The man in the first photo is my very best quilt helper. In fact, he's my very best everything. He'll kill me when he sees this but I wanted to express how thankful I am for him. He has put up this quilt line in the back yard for me just so I can photograph my work and he gets that ladder out and does this every time. Sometimes he even does it without complaining. I am beyond blessed.

The next photos are my current works-in-progress!
This is another string quilt in the works. It's got a bit of a Roy G. Biv thing going on. I'm not sure how it'll end up but it's going to be ending soon as it's already 72"X96".
The next two are my scrappy trip around the world quilt top. I love the photo with it on my turquoise velvet sofa but it wasn't quite finished in that one. The second photo is the finished quilt top. It's rather large too! I think it'll fit the queen sized bed in my guest room. This quilt was done as a part of an Instagram quilt along. If you're on Instragram, I am @thecrookedseam! Look me up! Also, if you want to see the other quilt along quilts search under the hashtag #scrappytripalong! There are over 4000 photos with that hashtag.
Thanks for stopping by! Maybe February will be the month that I keep up with the blog....